In our third week of the 100 day Boy Butter World tour we are hitting San Francisco, the gay capital of the United States. San Francisco also happens to be a bastion for stores that carry Boy Butter Lubricant products and many of my loyal customers who live, love, work and walk up lots of hills. We did not have to go far to find Boy Butter in store windows and on store shelves, especially in the city's gay heart, The Castro of San Francisco. For lunch we headed down to The Mission District for an amazing mexican lunch at the city's most popular and delicious mexican restaurant, El Farolito. Check out these images at a leading novelty store that serves the Gay community, Does Your Mother Know on 18th street between Collingwood and Castro Street. Tonight we are flying down to Sydney Australia for some Mardis Gras madness, Australia's largest annual Gay and Lesbian citywide party.
Castro Photos
Does Your Mother Know in San Francisco's Castro area
Does Your Mother Know Window Display
Brendan shooting the window display of Does Your Mother Know
Boy Butter Lubricant posters adorning the right hand side of
The Castro's iconic public posterboard
A cheesy photo of me next to the Boy Butter section of
Does Your Mother Know, I'm so proud